The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has has raised $31.5 million dollars for the ALS Foundation since first becoming popular in June. And it’s a great cause everyone can quickly and easily participate in, while having fun.
No doubt, marketers are looking upon this with envy. In the back of marketer’s minds, they’re all asking, “How can we get as much engagement out of our campaigns?” And that’s a valid question.
When developing a marketing campaign, marketers tend to get caught up in the data, the ROI and other marketing sounding terminology. All of that is important, but what gets forgotten is that marketing can be fun. And if anything, the ALS Inc Bucket Challenge has showed us how successful fun is. It’s taught us a few things. They are:
1. Know the goal of your marketing campaign. If you don’t know what the goal of your marketing campaign is, how will you strategize and decide upon which action to take? You must have a goal in mind.
2. Don’t overcomplicate matters, because by keeping it simple, you will be better prepared to meet your goals. If you must change mid-stream, it will be easier also.
3. Getting emotional with your audience is important. Strike an emotional chord with your audience. People typically respond on an emotional level; that is why we tell stories. Since the beginning of civilization, stories have been told to offer meaning, because we all want to hear a good story. Hollywood and novels do this, and people respond.
4. Endorsers/influencers are the ones who can help your marketing spread beyond to the next level of customers, the adopters. Getting testimony from trusted figures – celebrities are great, if available and affordable – and other influencers who actually use your product/service will prove to be as invaluable asset, since customers will value that honesty highly.
5. Keep it engaging and interesting, especially fun with your customers. Like any relationship, there has be fun involved. No one wants to be in a relationship that lacks laughter. And laughter triggers positive reactions.