As smartphones are creating more and more opportunities for businesses to reach their potential customers, mobile marketing is growing ever more rapidly. It is almost impossible to omit mobile marketing from any company’s marketing plan and strategy.
However, as you contemplate your mobile marketing strategy, before investing valuable money into a mobile marketing strategy, there are questions all marketers need to ask themselves.
Smartphone usage is expected to increase exponentially over the next few years. The following graph from Statista shows an increase to 220 million users by 2018.
Undeniably, mobile marketing is vital to any company’s growth. Mobile Marketing requires investment, though, and before you venture into this necessary component of your overall marketing strategy, here are some questions to ask yourself.
1. What do my customers want to receive via mobile? According to CMO Council, “These people want on-the-go, targeted information with minimal data use that a mobile app provides.” You’ll need to be brief in order to connect with your audience.
2. Which apps are my customers using? To execute a successful mobile marketing strategy, you must know which apps your customers are on. You must also know how to utilize those apps to the potential that they can be used.
3. Which mobile platform will be the best for my business? Examine your company’s core objectives and strength. If you are a small company, you might want to consider local advertising to reach a local audience. If you want to reach consumers in a particular area or country, a company like AdMob or Millennial Media might serve you best with their services.
4. Should I build a mobile-friendly site only instead of a mobile app? This last question can help you in your decision. Both options take time and money. Will your customers use the app, or will they be content with a mobile-friendly website? What kind of service or product you offer will help you decide this question.
5. What will I share via mobile? Will you be sharing the same information on your mobile app as you do on your fixed website that’s also mobile-friendly? You have to give customers a reason to use your app, especially if it helps solve a problem they are facing, bringing the answer to a need they have.